We all want our research to be impactful, but often it isn't. Why?

There are 3 KEYS that you need to implement as you design and write your research in order to ensure it is impactful, and I'm going to tell you what they are!

Join me for this FREE webinar where I will show you how seemingly small details in the way your qualitative health research is designed and conducted will likely determine your ability to drive impact through publishing and beyond!

During the webinar, we'll discuss:

  • The three keys to impactful qualitative health research (from designing to writing...)
  • What you can do now to build more rigor into your qualitative health research
  • The number one result to rigorous qualitative health research

...and more!


Is this webinar really going to help?


Let's pause for a moment and go back to the beginning (my qualitative research beginning, that is). I completed my PhD in nutrition and metabolism at the University of Alberta. I started in 2014, and later that year I applied for the Vanier Canada graduate scholarship {which is one of the most prestigious doctoral awards in Canada}. Let me tell you, my application was received with a bit of skepticism. I could tell that, in part, it was because my project was 100% qualitative. And guess what? Fast forward six months to March, 2015- I found out that I would be awarded the Vanier {and yes, with a project that was 100% qualitative}!

By the end of my PhD, I had published six papers and conference proceedings, I had presented my research at more than 15 conferences, both locally, nationally, and internationally, and I had also "written" the two most important chapters of my thesis, my two kids.

All of that to say that, yes, you can have the impact you want in your career and in your field with qualitative health research.

That success, and the confidence that I now have, didn't happen overnight though. My master's publication was my first encounter with qualitative health research, and unfortunately I realized at the end that I had done a lot of "learning by doing"... and had failed to do some things that were important for my qualitative project.

That was where I encountered problems with responding to the reviewers comments and questions as I was trying to publish my work. Publishing that paper was a long, painful process. It was not only painful because it was long and daunting, but because I had to come up with answers for things that I didn't think about in advance.

This is exactly what I don't want to see happen to you, and that's why I created this webinar. Join me as I share what I believe to be the 3 Keys to Impactful Qualitative Health Research. I can't wait to see you there!

~ Maira