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...Without Getting Lost In A Maze of Complex Readings & Endless Debates That Make Your Head Spin

...Without Getting Lost In A Maze of Complex Readings & Endless Debates That Make Your Head Spin

Qualitative Research CAN Make A Difference

You’ve worked hard to design your qualitative research project and answer meaningful questions, but you find yourself unsure about the next steps.

You might be second guessing your decisions and, as a result, doubting your ability to write and publish your qualitative research in a timely way.

You’re left feeling insecure about your ability to lead your qualitative project (and questioning whether or not you even understand qualitative methodologies).

That overwhelm and frustration is made worse when you find yourself fighting to defend your qualitative work and prove its worth.

Because you KNOW your qualitative research has transformed you personally, and it has the potential to bring positive changes to your participants and communities.

Often The Answer Isn’t In What You Don’t Know About Qualitative Research...

When your doubts about the rigor, usefulness and impact of your research settle in, you start reading more books and looking for more papers.

While more information and new readings are helpful, they don’t always bring the clarity you need.

This process takes so much time, yet still leads to a feeling of not knowing enough. It’s hard to feel grounded in your qualitative data when a sea of negative thoughts swirl around in your head. You find yourself thinking, “I bet this doesn’t happen to other qualitative researchers…”

This Is A Recipe For Delayed Data Analysis & Writing...

Which Also Means Missed Opportunities To Present Your Findings & Make The Impact You Wanted To Make With Your Research.

As a researcher, academic and/or practitioner, you know that you could fill every minute of your free time with readings/learning about specific topics if you wanted to.

You also know that more often than not you are using this continued reading and fine-tuning of your manuscript to procrastinate from submitting your work and enduring the comments from the dreaded “reviewer #2”.

As vulnerable as the process of engaging others in the review of your qualitative health research can be, it’s often what moves the work forward. When you do everything solo, it’s hard to reflect on what you did in your research process (especially about what made it unique).

Without publishable, shareable results, your qualitative research isn’t going to make a difference in practice, society or culture. That impact is only possible when your qualitative work is shared with others and your writing is made a priority.

I'm Ready To Take Action!

See The Difference Community Can Make For Your Learning, Discussing, Reflecting & Writing

“Stronger Together” was the motto of the pandemic for a reason...because it’s true! We need community.The right community can drastically increase your fulfillment and success as a qualitative researcher.

By presenting your scenarios, hearing about other research settings and working through challenges inside a community, you’ll feel prepared to tackle the next steps in your qualitative journey with ethics and confidence.

Being part of a caring, knowledgeable community of researchers creates so many opportunities for you to learn about readings and concepts that truly matter to your qualitative work, discern the next steps for your data, and get your creative juices ready for writing your research findings.

See The Difference Community Can Make For Your Learning, Discussing, Reflecting & Writing

“Stronger Together” was the motto of the pandemic for a reason...because it’s true! We need community.The right community can drastically increase your fulfillment and success as a qualitative researcher.

By presenting your scenarios, hearing about other research settings and working through challenges inside a community, you’ll feel prepared to tackle the next steps in your qualitative journey with ethics and confidence.

Being part of a caring, knowledgeable community of researchers creates so many opportunities for you to learn about readings and concepts that truly matter to your qualitative work, discern the next steps for your data, and get your creative juices ready for writing your research findings.

Know What It Feels Like To Have Your Qualitative Research Truly Make A Difference In The World

When you clarify your purpose and direction as a qualitative researcher, you’re going to feel empowered to confidently move your qualitative research forward.

Having this clarity and direction will allow your knowledge about qualitative methods and your commitment to creating positive change in the communities you serve to shine through.

This might mean writing an outstanding proposal for your next funding competition, finishing a dissertation chapter that’s been dragging on too long, or submitting a manuscript that you know needs to be published!

Knowing you’re reaching your full potential as a researcher (while making a meaningful contribution to the world) will no longer be an impossible dream... it’ll be a goal within reach!

I Want To Make A Difference!

Your Big Vision For Your Qualitative Research Can Be Realized

You reflect on your qualitative work and feel uneasy. You don’t know if you’re on the right track and often find yourself asking “Where am I going with this?”

Your qualitative research feels like a 5000-piece puzzle in your head that you don’t have the motivation to put together by yourself.

The 5000 pieces (aka nodes) need to be synthesized and described in detail, but you can’t decide which pieces to keep and which ones to let go.

This delays your writing, which delays your publishing, which robs you of the opportunity to make the impact you want to make!

Conducting impactful qualitative health research begins and ends with the writing component. As a qualitative researcher, you’re constructing something without a clear end in sight.

However, There Is A Blueprint You Can Follow That Will Help You Succeed As A Writer.


It begins with an idea that becomes a research question and the researcher’s recognition of their “why” (aka their positionality in research).


Next comes your methodology, your methods of data collection, and your approach to data analysis.


Finally, you need to address your way/voice of presenting it all to the right audience. Building out all of these components is no small feat!

Breaking It Down Into Manageable Steps, Feels Much Easier!

Do you know what helps even more? Adding opportunities for you to ask questions, present your work and reflect on possible solutions.

By doing this, you can organize your thoughts into writing and begin to understand what’s holding you back (and what needs to be put at the forefront of your research). You reinforce what you know and feel inspired to move forward with your qualitative work (aka your writing)!

“Maira’s QRB course helped me so much as I designed my own research methods in preparation for ethics approval. I feel my confidence to conduct qualitative research has grown immensely!”

~ Kasia Babyn, MSc Student, University of Alberta

Qualitative Research Blueprint

Use this blueprint as a guide to move you from a place of doubt to a position of confidence so you can design and write qualitative health research that will truly make an impact!

Get On The Waitlist!

I’ve Been Where You Are Now…

I’ve been a qualitative researcher for more than a decade now, but the confidence I have that we can be impactful and successful as qualitative researchers didn’t develop overnight.

In all honesty, the process of publishing my 100% qualitative Masters’ research was crushing and discouraging.

I had failed to do some things that were important for my qualitative project, and as a result I encountered problems when responding to reviewer’s comments and questions.

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing your qualitative research at all, never mind writing it well.

Obviously I Didn’t Quit And I Did End Up Publishing My Master’s Research

Not only that, I was awarded the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (a prestigious doctoral award) with a graduate project that was 100% qualitative!

And since then I’ve authored and co-authored various publications and presented my work at dozens of local, national and international conferences.

My PhD program was a completely different experience (for the better)! This is what I want you to find inside QRB.

I created Qualitative Research Blueprint (QRB) so that I could help qualitative researchers like you avoid making the mistakes I did when I conducted my Masters’ research.

Together, we’ll strive to transform your strong qualitative research into something superb and that will make a meaningful contribution to your field!

“QRB was what I had been missing in my doctoral program with the guidance and support that I needed to pursue my interests in qualitative health research. Maira is an amazing instructor! She is knowledgeable, very approachable and has the ability to make complex content feel easy to digest and doable."

~ Mari-Anna Bergeron, PhD Candidate, Smith College School for Social Work

Gain A True Understanding of Rigor & What It Takes to Excel At Qualitative Health Research In Qualitative Research Blueprint!

Qualitative Research Blueprint will be live this fall for you to follow along with. Or go at your own pace and watch the recordings - you've got lifetime access!

In module 1 we'll be talking about the researcher's worldview, starting with an introduction to qualitative foundations and why these matter for rigor in qualitative research.

  • Build confidence in your knowledge of qualitative foundations.
  • Discuss worldviews, ways of knowing and research paradigms → Postpositivist, Constructivist, Transformative, and Pragmatic.
  • Conceptualize ontology, epistomology, and axiology within different research paradigms

This module answers the questions- What is rigor? How do qualitative scholars approach rigor? What does embracing rigor mean in qualitative research? How are standards such as validity, reliability, and generalizability redefined within qualitative inquiry?

  • Learn separate terms for rigor, the assumption behind them, and their definition.
  • Discuss ethical validity and what you can learn from Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR).
  • Embrace rigor as THE thing that makes publishable, impactful and useful qualitative research possible.

Inside Module 3 you will learn about being rigorous. We discuss verification strategies that are linked to the researchers’, participants’ and reviewers’ lens, and how they can be operationalized.

  • Discuss reflexivity in writing and researcher’s responsiveness.
  • Learn about participant feedback (aka member checking), prolonged engagement, and collaboration with participants as participant-focused rigor strategies.
  • Learn about external audit, peer review, and rich, thick description (i.e., final written results) as reader/reviewer-focused rigor strategies.
YES! This Is What I've Been Missing!

The content in module 4 is an introduction to various but not all qualitative methodologies. I go more in-depth into the ones that are more commonly used in qualitative health research.

  • Ethnography
  • Mixed-methods research
  • Qualitative description
  • Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, and Photovoice
  • Community-Based & Patient-Engaged Research

In module 5, we cover the process of conducting interviews and focus groups in qualitative research as well as the many types, kinds and approaches that exist.

  • Interviewer types, interview approaches and planning
    How to become a more prolific interviewer
  • Understand the definition of focus groups, possibilities & misconceptions, setting focus groups and capturing interaction
    Sampling & recruitment (what's what?)
  • Ethical considerations in sampling

Module 6 of QRB is all about analyzing and writing data. We cover the purpose of qualitative data analysis; inductive, deductive and abductive approaches to data analysis; and coding, theming and interpreting.

  • Key steps when planning your qualitative data analysis (no matter the approach)
  • Three methods of qualitative data analysis, including content analysis, thematic analysis and constant comparison
  • What "usable" qualitative health research means
  • Three strategies to move forward with your qualitative writing and the “writing mindset”
Get On The Waitlist!

“Consultation and looking up all this information would have been much more in terms of time and cost. QRB is a great investment because it provides a one-stop place to get lots of information about qualitative methods and research. Invest in yourself!”

~ Carolyn Mak

Navigate Your Qualitative Research Project With Confidence Using Our Qualitative Research Blueprint

Join me inside Qualitative Research Blueprint and you will:

  • Strengthen your knowledge of qualitative foundations

  • Accelerate your research project through implementation sessions

  • Identify the skills and knowledge you need to shift your mindset and realize your full potential as a qualitative researcher

  • Walk away with the confidence and skills necessary to design, implement and write publishable, useful and impactful qualitative health research!

...All of This Without Getting Lost in a Maze of Complex Readings and Endless Debates That Make Your Head Spin

QRB will be open for enrolment again in the fall of 2021. Get on the waitlist to be the first to snag a seat!

Add Me To The List!

“I have never done a live meeting as part of coursework, that made a HUGE difference. The weekly CommuniQ Chat is community building! And how incredibly rewarding these live Zooms were!”

~ Ami Stearns, Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

This Course is Perfect For You If...

  • You don’t feel confident in your understanding of qualitative foundations

  • Qualitative methods feel confusing, complex and difficult to digest right now

  • You want to publish and share your qualitative findings more broadly than you are now

  • You want to create more impact with your research so it can better serve your participants, their communities and your career

  • You don’t have a supportive community of qualitative researchers and you feel isolated

If you said yes to any point above, then we can’t wait to meet you inside of Qualitative Research Blueprint!

I'm A Perfect Fit!

This Course is Perfect For You If...

  • You don’t feel confident in your understanding of qualitative foundations

  • Qualitative methods feel confusing, complex and difficult to digest right now

  • You want to publish and share your qualitative findings more broadly than you are now

  • You want to create more impact with your research so it can better serve your participants, their communities and your career

  • You don’t have a supportive community of qualitative researchers and you feel isolated

If you said yes to any point above, then we can’t wait to meet you inside of Qualitative Research Blueprint!

I Want On The List!

" My only regret is that I didn't have access to taking this course sooner.”

~ Mari-Anna Bergeron, PhD Candidate, Smith College School for Social Work

Navigate Your Qualitative Research Project With Confidence Using Our Qualitative Research Blueprint

Join me inside Qualitative Research Blueprint and you will:

  • Strengthen your knowledge of qualitative foundations

  • Accelerate your research project through implementation sessions

  • Identify the skills and knowledge you need to shift your mindset and realize your full potential as a qualitative researcher

  • Walk away with the confidence and skills necessary to design, implement and write publishable, useful and impactful qualitative health research!

...All of This Without Getting Lost in a Maze of Complex Readings and Endless Debates That Make Your Head Spin

QRB will open for enrolment again in the fall of 2021. Get on the list and be one of the first to snag a seat in the class!

Put Me On The List!

A Note From Your Instructor…

I thought I was going to pursue an academic career as a qualitative researcher until my second child was diagnosed with cancer at five months of age in September 2018.

An academic career no longer aligned with my life priorities...simply because I didn’t know how I’d be a mom of a child with cancer and still publish and get funding.

However, I still wanted to be a qualitative researcher, to mentor students and researchers navigating qualitative research questions, and to build capacity in this area.

In a serendipitous moment (I was baking cookies and browsing recipes online), I found an online course and thought to myself, “Wow! I can teach qualitative methods online and outside of academia…”

Through Quali Q resources and programs, I teach complex qualitative concepts in a simple and fun way. I’ve made it my mission to help you realize your full potential as a qualitative researcher! And I’ve done this with hundreds of qualitative researchers worldwide.

My daughter is healthy and well AND she continues to be an inspiration for me (as Janice Morse says) to put humanity back in health qualitative research(er) at a time!

I can’t wait to go on this journey with you. See you inside QRB!

Join The Community Today!

A Note From Your Instructor…

I thought I was going to pursue an academic career as a qualitative researcher until my second child was diagnosed with cancer at five months of age in September 2018.

An academic career no longer aligned with my life priorities...simply because I didn’t know how I’d be a mom of a child with cancer and still publish and get funding.

However, I still wanted to be a qualitative researcher, to mentor students and researchers navigating qualitative research questions, and to build capacity in this area.

In a serendipitous moment (I was baking cookies and browsing recipes online), I found an online course and thought to myself, “Wow! I can teach qualitative methods online and outside of academia…”

Through Quali Q resources and programs, I teach complex qualitative concepts in a simple and fun way. I’ve made it my mission to help you realize your full potential as a qualitative researcher! And I’ve done this with hundreds of qualitative researchers worldwide.

My daughter is healthy and well AND she continues to be an inspiration for me (as Janice Morse says) to put humanity back in health qualitative research(er) at a time!

I can’t wait to go on this journey with you. See you inside QRB!