Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods

5 days dedicated to writing a pivotal section of any qualitative proposal, thesis or manuscript...



Let's conquer a super relevant piece of your qualitative research (aka your methods) together...


If you’re ready (or in immediate need) to write your qualitative methods, I want you to join me!

When you join Conquer Your Qualitative Research Methods, I'll be guiding you with prompts that will help you to write your qualitative methods section in as little as 30 minutes a day!

Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods is meant to be empowering and effective (with a healthy dose of fun).

I can’t promise you’ll never again have to look at your methods section, however, I can promise that there is immense clarity in naming concepts, approaches and processes that have guided/will guide your qualitative research. 


How Exactly Will This Work?

When you sign up for “Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods”, you’ll receive a video where I explain to you exactly how the next 5 days will work.

Basically, on each day you’ll receive an email from me with a short (less than 5 minute) video where I’ll be laying out the guiding posts for your writing on that day.

What you need to do after watching the video is set aside 25 minutes of UNINTERRUPTED time to write your own qualitative methods. I assure you that the prompts for your writing will be so nicely laid out that you’ll have no problems following my lead and, most importantly, accomplishing your writing goal


If you’re wondering what each day has in store for you, I can give you a sneak peek…

Day 1


Day 2

Research Setting

Day 3


Day 4

Data Collection

Day 5

Data Analysis + Closing Workshop (60 min pre-recorded video)

Inside the Wrap-Up Video, we will...


  • go over 3 "add-ons" you can use to really round out your qualitative methods section

  • help you walk away with a stack of pages filled with wonderful words about your qualitative methods!

Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods

A week dedicated to writing a pivotal section of any qualitative proposal, thesis or manuscript...YOUR METHODS!